Digital-Interactive Education of Nursing Staff with Migration Background 2.0
To ensure high quality of nursing and healthcare and with a view to patient safety, the communication between professional nursing staff or health care workers and patients should be as free of misunderstandings as possible. That is why teaching the practical skills and terminology required for providing patient care plays a particularly important role in professional integration. We, the Department of Media Technology at HAW Hamburg, in cooperation with Knappschaft Kliniken GmbH, wish to make a meaningful contribution in this respect with our project ‘PflegeDigital 2.0’, subsidised by the Federal Ministry of Health from 2020 to 2023.

The aim of the project is to develop and to evaluate a fully digital, multi-lingual modular solution that can be used in practice for interactive teaching of basic care procedures that are relevant in daily practice and in exams, followed by subsequent hands-on training of selected process in virtual reality. The solution can be used both preparatorily as well as collaterally to tuition and is primarily designed for trainees and students in nursing assistant training, attending a vocational school or an academic course in caregiving with a migrant background and caregivers who wish to have their qualifications acquired abroad recognised in Germany via an equivalence exam.

The self-learning tool is also valuable in terms of attraction of skilled workers from outside Germany, as this target group can learn about processes and terminology used in the German care system while abroad, independently of their location and schedule. Moreover, it can be used in care institutions to familiarise new team members, irrespective of whether they have a migrant background or not, with the processes and terminology they will need.
Project Runtime: January 2020 - December 2023
Contact: info(at)